TOBI Interface A
TOBI Interface A (TiA) is a platform independent interface to transmit raw biosignals. This implementation is done using C++.
TiA has the intention to allow multirate data acquisition from multiple sources (EEG amplifiers, EMG amplifiers, assistive devices) at the same time and facilitate an easy distinction afterwards. TiA provides an additional abstraction mechanism to mask attached hardware and reduce the clients burden to exactly know connected hardware. An (theoretically) infinite number of clients is able to connect to a TiA server at runtime.
This library is designed to be platform independent and has already been ported and tested at various Linux distributions, Windows XP and Windows 7 and also the iPhone and the iPod.
Meta Information exchange is done using XML messages via a TCP connection. Raw data transmission is done electively using assured transmission via a TCP connection or unreliable transmission using broadcast UDP.
Up to now TiA is used in the TOBI Signal Server. Client applications for Matlab or scope applications will be provided soon.
Needed libraries are:
(More detailed hardware requirements are hard to be provided, as this is highly linked with the data acquisition settings)
TiA is licensed under the LGPL.