- Class Handpoint
- Class tobiss::EEGSimulator
If needed: Provide the possibility to change the source-distribution during runtime.
Define and implement a configuration protocol.
Write an EEG simulator based on filtering rather than on adding just a Sine.
- Global tobiss::EEGSimulator::acceptHandler (const boost::system::error_code &error)
- Implement this method.
- Global tobiss::EEGSimulator::handleAsyncRead (const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
- Implement this method.
- Class tobiss::HWAccess
- Eliminate the master/slave ratio principle!
- Class tobiss::HWThread
Write instruction how to derive from HWThread
Maybe rename HWTHread to HWBase
Implement unique device ID mechanism
- Global tobiss::HWThread::getAsyncData ()=0
- Implement a compensation method, if clocks are drifting or similar (e.g. interpolation).
- Global tobiss::HWThread::setSamplingRate (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem)
- : Allow also float sampling rates (e.g. 0.1)
- Global tobiss::HWThread::setType (std::string s)
- Check if the type is set.
- Class tobiss::JStick
- Get rid of using void* for working with SDL.
- Global tobiss::JStick::getSyncData ()
- Implement this method.
- Global tobiss::KinectShmReader::getSyncData ()
- Implement this method.
- Global tobiss::SampleBlock< T >::appendBlock (std::vector< T > v, boost::uint16_t nr_blocks)
- If needed: Possibility to append already blocked data.
- Global tobiss::SampleBlock< T >::setSamples (std::vector< T > v)
- Check, if setting already blocked data in an unordered manner performs correct sorting!!
- Class tobiss::USBamp
Implement Linux API
Support g.USBamp version A
Document also private methods
Implement also "auto-blocksize" mode
- Global tobiss::USBamp::getAsyncData ()
- Implement this mehtod properly.
- Global tobiss::USBamp::getSyncData ()
- Implement this mehtod properly.
- File usbamp.h
Check, if asynchronous access to the g.USBamp is possible without reading and writing the same memory at the same time.
Check, if asynchronous access to the g.USBamp is possible without reading and writing the same memory at the same time.