TOBI SignalServer  0.1
tobiss::HWThread Class Reference

Base class for all hardware objects. More...

#include <hw_thread.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for tobiss::HWThread:
+ Collaboration diagram for tobiss::HWThread:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~HWThread ()
 Default destructor.
std::string getType ()
 Get the name of the device.
bool isMaster ()
 Check if device is the master.
bool isSlave ()
 Check if device is a slave.
bool isAperiodic ()
 Check if device is an aperiodic device (only delivers, if new data is available).
bool hasHomogenousSignalType ()
 Check if device is delivering only one SignalType (e.g. only EEG or only EMG)
boost::uint16_t getNrOfBlocks ()
 Get the blocksize set for the device.
double getSamplingRate ()
 Get the sampling rate set for the device.
boost::uint16_t getNrOfChannels ()
 Get the number of channels the device is acquiering.
std::vector< boost::uint32_t > getChannelTypes ()
 Get a vector containing channel types from acquired channels.
std::map< boost::uint16_t,
std::pair< std::string,
boost::uint32_t > > 
getChannelInfoMap ()
 Get a map containing all channel information.
bool samplesAvailable ()
 Check if new samples are available.
void checkMandatoryHardwareTags (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element > hw)
 Check if all needed hardware tags from xml config are correctly set.
virtual SampleBlock< double > getSyncData ()=0
 Abstract method to achieve synchronous data acquisition (method is blocking).
virtual SampleBlock< double > getAsyncData ()=0
 Abstract method to achieve asynchronous data acquisition (method is non-blocking).
virtual void run ()=0
 Abstract method to start data acquisition.
virtual void stop ()=0
 Abstract method to stop data acquisition.

Protected Member Functions

 HWThread (boost::uint32_t sampling_rate, boost::uint16_t channels, boost::uint16_t blocks)
 HWThread ()
 Default constructor.
virtual void setDeviceSettings (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &father)=0
 Set configuration listed in the <device_settings> section in the XML file.
virtual void setChannelSettings (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &father)=0
 Set configuration listed in the <channel_settings> section in the XML file.
void setSamplingRate (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem)
 Set the sampling rate of the device.
void setDeviceChannels (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem)
 Set parameters for all channels.
void setBlocks (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem)
 Set the blocksize of the device.
void setChannelSelection (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem)
 Set different parameters for channels (and overwrite settings from <measurement_channels>).
void setChannelTypes ()
 Sets the vector channel_types.
bool isNumber (const std::string &s)
 Check, if a string represents a valid number.
void setType (std::string s)
 Set the type (name) of the respective hardware device.
boost::uint16_t getChannelPosition (boost::uint16_t ch_nr)
 Get the position of the respective channel (e.g. ch nr. 7 is the second acuqired channel)
bool equalsOnOrOff (const std::string &s)
bool equalsYesOrNo (const std::string &s)
bool equalsMaster (const std::string &s)
bool equalsSlave (const std::string &s)
bool equalsAperiodic (const std::string &s)
void parseDeviceChannels (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem, boost::uint16_t &nr_ch, std::string &naming, std::string &type)
void parseChannelSelection (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element >const &elem, boost::uint16_t &ch, std::string &name, std::string &type)
void checkMandatoryHardwareTagsXML (ticpp::Iterator< ticpp::Element > hw)

Protected Attributes

boost::uint16_t nr_ch_
 number of channels
double fs_
 sampling rate
bool samples_available_
boost::uint16_t blocks_
 blocksize (or also called buffersize)
boost::uint8_t mode_
 master, slave or aperiodic
bool running_
 variable, to stop hardware
boost::shared_mutex rw_
 mutex to lock data
std::map< boost::uint16_t,
std::pair< std::string,
boost::uint32_t > > 
 map containing ( ch_nr, (name, type) )
bool homogenous_signal_type_
 true, if device delivers different signal types -- e.g. EEG and EMG
std::vector< boost::uint32_t > channel_types_
 vector containing signal types of channels (for faster access)
SampleBlock< double > data_
 Data object representing the last available samples from the SineGenerator.
std::string type_

Static Protected Attributes

static const std::string hardware_version_
static const std::string hardware_serial_
static const std::string hw_mode_
static const std::string hw_devset_
 xml-tag hardware: device_settings
static const std::string hw_fs_
 xml-tag hardware: sampling_rate
static const std::string hw_channels_
 xml-tag hardware: measurement_channels
static const std::string hw_ch_nr_
 xml-tag hardware: nr
static const std::string hw_ch_names_
 xml-tag hardware: names
static const std::string hw_ch_type_
 xml-tag hardware: channel type
static const std::string hw_blocksize_
 xml-tag hardware: blocksize
static const std::string hw_chset_
 xml-tag hardware -- channel_settings
static const std::string hw_chset_sel_
 xml-tag hardware: selection
static const std::string hw_chset_ch_
 xml-tag hardware: ch
static const std::string hw_chset_nr_
 xml-tag hardware: nr
static const std::string hw_chset_name_
 xml-tag hardware: name

Detailed Description

Base class for all hardware objects.

HWThread is the base class for all hardware objects providing abstract methods needed for a common interface to gather access to different types of hardware. It also provides methods and members needed for every data acquisition device (channel types, ...).

REMARK: The naming "hw_thread" was badly chosen, as it was planned at the beginning, to run every hardware object in it's own thread. Using synchronous and asynchronous data access, this is not needed all the time. File and class name are planned to be renamed in the future! (e.g. hw_base)


Write instruction how to derive from HWThread

Maybe rename HWTHread to HWBase

Implement unique device ID mechanism

Definition at line 80 of file hw_thread.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables